Baby 15 weeks pumping troubles.
Hello- Wanted to see if anyone has any insight. My baby is EBF and currently 15 weeks gaining weight well. He sleeps horribly though still waking up 3ish times a night to feed despite me feeding him every 2.5-3hours during the day so my husband takes him at night from 8-midnight. I usually feed baby for the last time between 6-7pm. Then I’ll pump a bottle at 830. for my husband to feed him between 10-11pm. Baby usually wakes up again around 2 for another feeding and I feed him at the breast. I used to get 4-5oz and now I’m struggling to where tonight I got almost nothing so just trying to go to bed and see how long he makes it. Is he at the age where he doesn’t need all these feedings or am I hurting my supply? He’s generally a very happy fella during the day and seems to be getting full feeds.