Baby has breastfeeding aversion

Looking for help, ideas and encouragement for overcoming my babies breastfeeding aversion. My baby really struggled to latch from birth due to undiagnosed oral ties we had revised at 4 weeks old. The process was really traumatic and made her very claustrophobic. She nursed some after revision but it was always a battle to get her to latch as she has no patience. One day she completely refused and has continued since. I even tried the Rowena Bennett program to tackle aversions and she refused to nurse for 3 days (gave minimum oz at night for hydration). I’ve seen 4 different lactation consultants who have all told me to give up. I’ve tried sleepy feeds, bath feeds, nipple shields, bait and switch, sugar on the nipple, everything. I’m so heartbroken and hate pumping so much. Has anyone successfully overcome this at 8 months? Thanks. Desperate and distraught mom here.