24 hours without nursing my 15 month old… what do I do?

In a couple of weeks I’m going to need a dental procedure that will involve being put under. My oral surgeon told me I’d need to “pump and dump” for 24 hours after this.

I questioned the pump and dump advice because I’ve heard that that advice has changed about dumping with regards to alcohol. She explained that yes it was basically the same (the drugs will leave the breast milk like alcohol does) but it stays in the body/milk for so much longer than alcohol, so they recommend pumping, I think because that would be a long time to not nurse or pump.

Anyway, the bigger issue is that I have to go 24 hours without nursing, and I have no idea how we’re going to get though this! The longest we’ve ever gone is maaaaybe five hours. It’ll be on a weekend when we don’t have much else going on, but… help??

I have some frozen supply. He 100% rejected it (angrily) last time, but I wasn’t the one trying to feed him.

Is it better to do some practice runs now, to get him used to it? My poor guy is gonna hate this, we still nurse a LOT. Has anybody been through this? Any advice or suggestions? Thanks!!

Edit: Oh my goodness you are all so amazing!!! Thank you for all of the support and information.

I will be finding out exactly what sedation meds they’ll be using so that I can do my own research. I’ll also be speaking to the anesthesiologist to get the expert opinion.

Additionally, I’ll prep Dad just in case I do need to refrain from nursing for a while, and in case I’m really out of it after surgery. You all are right: a little bit of time off the beast isn’t going to do any damage, but it does hurt to think about him crying and wanting me and not being able to respond. But this is Dad’s moment to shine!

Thank you all again, so much. I deeply appreciate all of the kind and helpful words.