Fighting with SO over my new job schedule interfering with my sons remaining basketball season

I work remotely in healthcare. My previous job, I was able to take my laptop with me to my sons practices and games. No big deal.

A month ago, I was given the chance to interview for a new job that comes with better pay and benefits. I got the job and start tomorrow!

The problem is, I can’t work from a laptop. I have to work off a desktop at home and work until 5:30 to 6 p.m.

His practices are from 4:15-5:45 pm and games are a few nights per week, usually starting at 5:30.

There’s 3 weeks left starting next week. He’s only 8 and plays in a rec league, not through his school.

I’m probably going to tell them due to this change he won’t be able to finish out the last few weeks. I know it sucks, but I couldn’t turn down this job.

My SO? He is acting insane over this. Saying I’m teaching him it’s okay to quit and how I need to make sacrifices for him to finish the season. I don’t start accumulating PTO until after 30 days and I don’t want to ask if I can get off early for over half the week when I am just starting??

My SO can’t get off work early to take him and neither can my sons dad. I literally don’t know what else to do. Is this that big of a deal??

Oh and my son wouldn’t go with another parent, I also thought of that but he’s pretty shy and an anxious kid.