Anyone else feel like some back-cover/dust jacket summaries ruin the book they're on?
I just finished Seveneves by Neal Stephenson a week ago, and I finally let myself look at the back of the book to discover it neatly sums major plot points up until part three of the book. To be frank, I never read the summaries on Stephenson books due to feeling like the summary on Anathem took the wind out of the first 300 pages of that book. Thus, I went into Seveneves on a brief recommendation from my brother that was just "The moon blows up and then things get worse."
Right now I'm reading Cryptonomicon and I'm deathly afraid of leaving the book on its front cover and absentmindedly reading the blurb on the back for the fear that it'll ruin 2/3s of the book. Anyone else feel the same about this/have a similar experience with the book cover ruining the book's content?