What’s one behavior you see repeatedly in book characters which no one has in real life?
Either things that are annoying or things that are too reasonable, any kind of behavior you see repeatedly shown in books but that no one actually does in real life?
For me it’s characters tossing their watch to the side in what is written as badass behavior when their watch is broken
From Jurassic Park, when Tim Murphy (the brother) gets tossed by the Rex in the Jeep:
He looked at his watch, but the face was cracked; he couldn’t see the numbers. He took the watch off and tossed it aside.
Problem is, everyone I know who ears a watch actually likes their watch and would keep it to either get fixed or keep in a box later, as a keepsake
Why would anyone take off a watch and throw it away? In a location they’ll never return to?
I have seen this behavior multiple times in multiple books and have never met someone who would do this