What books were you assigned to read during grade school that you felt were inappropriate? In terms of age or reading level or topic and so on.

I saw someone discussing Ethan Frome and it brought back a lot of memories. We had to read this book during the 9th grade, and for any of you that have not read it, the book deals with topics like adult infidelity and emotional cheating. The whole book, the adults are just depressed and it's winter and the middle aged married couple are having martial problems. Maybe even facing a mid life crisis.

I just don't think most 13 year olds could see the nuances with these kind topics.

We even had to watch the movie after...and not one kid could keep their eyes open. I usually LOVED the movies we were made to watch, but this one was really not it.

A million years have passed since the 9th grade, and now I do feel for the characters and sympatize with their pain. At 13? No way. I couldn't understand their feelings. I couldn't understand the reasons behind their feelings either.

It is not a book I would reach out for even now, but I understand and appreciate aspects of it, I suppose.