Can someone explain the actual value of Pride and Prejudice? Why is this book considered a masterpiece?

I just don’t get the appeal of this book at all. It’s boring, it’s stuffy, and moves at a glacial pace. I had to force myself to pay attention because the dialogue and writing prose is so…thick (I understand if that was the norm at the time). If I didn’t, I would get to the bottom of a page and realized I hadn’t retained anything.

As for the content…at the risk of sounding crude, the whole book seems to be about upper class women either 1) complaining about their husbands or 2) complaining about finding a husband.

I feel like I could watch any of the “Real Housewives of____” shows and get the same effect.

My wife explained that it’s a commentary/satire of how things were for women at the time. I get that…I suppose Jane Austen was reflecting a woman’s inability to control her own life/social mobility during the time and setting.

But at the same time, these people are well fed and well taken care of during an era of near constant war, famine and other challenges to survival to the other 95% of the population in England during the early 1800’s.

What am I missing?