Ma pedda Akka

Some bonda posted I dont have sister recent. Here I need to say about my elder sister.

She is like another mother to me. When im kid she used to take care of me lot its said by mom to me. Even she cant carry me at that little age when she is 7 im a 1 year old baby she used to hold me tightly to her stomach to not to fall.

Some incidents:we are a lower middle class family .I think im in 5th class. my school bag was got slippers were not in a good condition.lot of small small problem to me.she is my elder she observes all.

My birthday is near by I got surprised on my birthday with her gifts those are Really essential to me at that time.with her pocket money she brought me a bag,slippers and other 3 accessories. I just got tears on my eyes on that birthday.

When Im in 7th class in 2008 my sister got fits at late midnight.she got admitted to hospital we are in panic.we dont what it was but diagnosed as an small head injury lead to it.when she is out to conscious she called me I was not there. My dad took me to my sister from my relatives home. The day was different its all like how you feel if your loved once on bed.which is unknown condition of them.

And she got married and they Have children. Her love shifted to her family more to her chidren my niece and nephew.

But she still loves me as me her child.

The thing is that I show my love towards my niece and nephew which she likes more.

Loving The loved Once. getting it back K x times. Even they are far away. Thinking about them.showing love towards the loved one love. Expressing love giving what they needed. Loving even They are not with us always. Not expecting much. Giving them back. Even they crowed of love respecting with our little 💕love. Not hurting them.In every we work do just remembering them and getting happy to work-its a blessing to us own.

I felt bad alone when she got married even I have my younger sister. But with my younger sister we used to fight a lot thats another love. Thank you.