Has anyone tried this 2-set method by Ian Barseagle?

Hi guys!
I watched this video called the 2-set method by Ian Barseagle.
It seems like a good plan to me, the problem is that he structured it for weighted calisthenics, so some of the exercises that he recommends are done by using weights or gym machines.
I can't go to the gym, I usually go to the calisthenics park of my neighborhood, so my question is if you have recommendations on how adjust this plan to my situation.
What exercises would you recommend to me?
Please note that I am a beginner, my maximum reps for pull ups are 6/7 and for dips should be 10.
This is the link to the video:
This is a summary of what he says in the video with the exercises recommended by him:
For all exercises:
Warmup sets:
- 25% max for 5 reps, rest 3 minutes
- 50% max for 5 reps, rest 3 minutes
Working sets:
- 8-12 reps to failure, rest 5-7 minutes
- 8-12 reps to failure, rest 5-7 minutes

Day 1 | PUSH DAY
Weighted dips, incline bench, lateral raises

Day 2 | REST DAY
Optional: walk/run

Day 3 | PULL DAY
Weighted pull ups, cable rows

Day 4 | LEG DAY
Squats, Hip thrusts, Hamstring curls, Calves raises

Day 5 | REST DAY
Optional: walk/run

- Never do more than 5 reps on warmups.
- Never do more than two working sets.
- Minimum 8 reps in a working set, maximum 17 reps in a working set.
- For all working sets rest minimum 5 minutes.
- For all working sets go to failure
- For all working sets if you do 12 or more reps on average, raise the weight for the next time you do that exercise. If you do less than 12, do the same weight the next time you do that exercise.
- Only do the same workout every five days.