Let's score 1-to-5 on BGG

I hate scoring on the 1-to-10 scale. The 1-to-5 scale is much better, which is so obvious that I think it does not require explanation. I refuse to give in to BGG's harmful tyranny, so I use the 1-to-5 scale there and I invite you all to join me in this worthy endeavour. Together, we will make the scores much more reliable.

Remember that this project is not only just and right, but also completely consistent with BGG's current system, because the ratings 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 already do exist on BGG's scale.

Here is what my ratings look like:

This is the way.

/uj Yes, this is a real screen from a user (albeit not me) who claims that scoring like this is fine, because BGG ratings are not standardised anyway, since some people use decimals and some don't. They also created a topic complaining about other people misusing the scoring system (by giving out 10s an 1s before a game is out).