What is the absolute worst bad luck streak you have ever had?
With the holidays, the family has been playing some new (to us) games. Rallyman GT has been a big one.
I have the absolute worst luck rolling the dice. It's unbelievable - even to other family members - the number of times I roll 4 dice and think, "ah no way I'll get 3 danger markers," only to then get 3 out of the 4 or 4 out of 4 is too many to remember. This culminated during the last game where I finally had a good roll (with 9 dice) to put me in position to win when I again rolled 3 danger markers within 3 rolls to spin out right at the finish line before crossing. It's especially frustrating when everyone else routinely hits 7, 8, or 9 dice moves often without a single marker.
All I kept thinking is that no one could possibly have worse luck than me in board games. So I am curious, what are your stories about the worst luck you've ever had playing games?