This Boss gets too much hate... Boss Appreciation Time!

Ebrietas is one of my favorite fights in Bloodborne. It's probably the hardest main game fight, but also one of the most fun.

Her combos are really fun to dodge and put you in a flow state that is unique to beast bosses like Ludwig (Ludwig is a better fight IMO but they have similar qualities)

Her attacks can be sometimes hard to read, but once you get into that groove there's really nothing better.

She's also just so damn cool. Her design, OST, arena, lore, and the fucking space lazers. It's so awesome! I get chills every time.

I feel like when this fight works, it truly encapsulates the peak that is Bloodborne. The visuals, OST, aggressive combat, atmosphere, all of it.

I'd describe her as a hard fight to learn but easy to master.

I admit I don't love her charge attack. It's kinda BS, but it doesn't ruin the fight for me. But I don't get why so much of the community dogs on her. It's really just the charge attack that I have a problem with. Yes you will likely get hit, but if you're playing the right way it won't be an issue.