Was Unohana constantly replenishing her reiatsu while simultaneously reviving Zaraki throughout the fight? Is there a possibility that minazuki also played a role as a healing factor?
This question has been bugging me for a while because many unohana fanboys on the power scaling subreddit believe she was getting exhausted after every round. But if that were true, it wouldn’t make sense,.since it would mean zaraki wasn’t getting stronger, just that she was getting weaker instead
I remember certain elements from the manga, like the existence of kaido and minazuki being a healing type zanpakuto spirit. But didn't pay much attention to it back then, and now I’m not about to reread the entire manga just to find the answer when I can just ask y’all instead
This question has been bugging me for a while because many unohana fanboys on the power scaling subreddit believe she was getting exhausted after every round. But if that were true, it wouldn’t make sense,.since it would mean zaraki wasn’t getting stronger, just that she was getting weaker instead
I remember certain elements from the manga, like the existence of kaido and minazuki being a healing type zanpakuto spirit. But didn't pay much attention to it back then, and now I’m not about to reread the entire manga just to find the answer when I can just ask y’all instead