my opinion on the reason of aizen's loneliness and pursuit for heights

aizen wasnt alone but his zanpakto was the one lonely

(indirectly yes since the zanpaktou soul is also the aizen's soul).we mostly see aizen using kido or zanjutsu far more than his shikai abilities or release chants(only once), which are a form of conversing with the zanpaktou. anyone who's been a topper or ranker in their school/college days might resonate with aizen. toppers wonder why dont these other students just manage their time, control their self and stop being such crybabies which relates with aizen's speech about gods. such brains have to dumb it down just to be around people while talking or just even existing. as aizen said, "its harder to step on ants without killing them". smart people hardly feel alone because they enjoy company of books or games. it starts to become an issue when the average guys(plural) starts treating the toppers as someone weird (geek, bookworn, nerd, incel, etc) who has focus and grasping power and doesnt get bored or triggered. the average guys, instead of introspecting on their insecurity, turns outward and starts opression Olympics or worse, holds the topper on a pedestel(admiration). toppers dont see life as a zero-sum game because things can be managed and innovated. one can turn the success pyramid into a cuboid(one at the top vs everyone at the top). but average focuses on the have-nots more.

now think how the best friend feels where toppers can do entire project and the best friend is feeling useless. and then the topper feels useless because all his knowledge and marks cant help in raising his best friends spirit. watch this video on learned helplessness. aizen's reiatsu and dexterity is so huge it doesnt even matter if he's weilding his own zanpaktou or some random asauchi. thats why his zanpaktou kind of feels isolated. also aizen's obsession with transcending shinigami limitations instead of increasing his shinigami-zanpaktou abilities couldve also been a considerable factor because my headcanon says zanpaktou and hogyoku are like inferior and superior Ai trained on the weilder's data and we only see aizen losing his cool aura when white went for quincy masaki instead of injured isshin (excitement), gin's betrayal(fear) and ichigo fight(jealousy[although aizen says hogyoku was the one jealous, it only projected aizen's jealousy in the previous panel]). all these situations were subjects for surpassing shinigami abilities. i can only guess why he chose to start the battle during his hogyoku-fusion process instead of waiting out, completely fusing and after then attacking (if time was a constraint, he couldve used the dangai like ichigo). my guess is all the fighting helps hogyoku-fusion process because battles create intense moments which help in self-actualisation. still everything was about hogyoku and pursuing more power

Why does he wants more power?

aizen (and even urahara) wants to surpass shinigami-hollow boundaries because curiosity(obviously) and to show deep down spiritually, everyone is the same(made of reishi). each race excels in one thing and lags behind in some other thing. but focusing on the latter creates spiritual weakness create insecurity creates fear creates differences creates conflict. focusing on the former creates spritual strength creates confidence creates courage creates harmony creates freedom. after stark(gigachad of loneliness) defeat, aizen simply slicing harribel or entire gotei 13 only showed he couldve one-shoted everyone. it was aizen's way of testing hollow soul's determination but shinigami souls failed(vizards) and now the hollows(espadas). aizen and ichigo increased the spiritual powers of the people around them in their own way. thats why aizen and KlubKubo says" their evolution is not in the same dimension" because aizen chose the path of self-reliance(no superiors) and ichigo chose the path of taking help from others(many superiors)[only difference between ichigo and aizen]. the one who want to challenge the law has to be poweful in every term. so in a way aizen's pursuit for freedom results in his strength(high self power[reiatsu]) but also in his weakness(low social power[loneliness]). aizen wanted to create a world where everyone is independent, its paradoxical because growth requires nurture and support. i think thats why aizen doesnt mind being in muken, because he's with people in his league and might also find some better than him(thinking about the haves instead of have-nots).

thanks for reading. do reply whatever comes to your mind because words cant hurt or kill. i'll reply every comment and dig deeper so keep visiting thread.