Can Spielberg be the king again?

I was re-listening to the Lost World ep this morning, and Griffin mentions at the beginning that Spielberg had directed what eventually became the #1 box office hit of all time three separate times between 1975 and 1993 (Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park).

This made me wonder - is there any way that Steven could do that a fourth time? He's going back to aliens and UFOs again next year for Universal - that has certainly worked for him in the past. Or is there some other unannounced film that he may have up his sleeve?

Or - has his time passed? Spielberg hasn't really had an unqualified "top ten of the year" hit since Crystal Skull, and even that was seen as a bit of an underperformer. And before that, his last big hit was War of the Worlds, which will be twenty years old (!!) this summer. Will he never again be the dominant force of the box office?