Blake if “Sling Blade and Pocahontas had a baby”

… well according to Blake that is.

Maybe I don’t understand what she meant by that because I’ve never seen Sling Blade and I don’t understand her humor either lol

Taken from this Vogue article about Preserve:

“Not many women can wear denim overalls, strappy Louboutin stilettos, and a Navajo-blanket poncho and get away with it, but Blake Lively can. When I compliment her, she describes the look as “if Sling Blade and Pocahontas had a baby.” Lively has a tendency toward deadpan humor, often delivered with a laconic stare that can make it difficult to figure out whether she is joking or not. “When I say something funny, I don’t laugh,” she says, “so my friends are always like, ‘Hahahahaaaa!’ so people know. When I’m not with them, I always think, This person doesn’t know I’m funny; they just think I’m a jerk.”