File This Under “Miss Appropriation”: Lively does it all, she is a screenwriter, costume designer, and if that is not enough, she is part Cherokee!

In 2015, Blake Likely appeared in a L’Oréal advert claiming she was part Cherokee. This was extremely convenient in that she could appear in the advertisement and promotion as not just another bottle blonde Hollywood starlet, but an example of both hidden and obvious diversity which exists within movies and television.

She was eventually trolled on social media that year for (gasp!) lying/misrepresenting her native heritage.

It's also not the first time Lively's got in a bit of snag by appropriating a persona from a marginalized community and making that her own. In 2016 she was blasted for posting a picture of herself in a tight-fitting gown with the caption "L.A. face with an Oakland booty,” and I will not even begin to discuss her stalking boys in high school wearing a wig and black face.

According to Cherokee Nation Tribal Registration, one must be able to provide documents that reveal a direct Cherokee ancestor listed on the Dawes Final Rolls with a blood degree. Today, the Cherokee Nations has more than 315,000 citizens. Has anyone documented the veracity of Blake Lively’s lineage?

L'Oréal did not respond to a request for comment from the NBC reporter, Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) who first posted this information on instagram on January 13, 2017.