Let's play "Spot the enemy"
Maybe I'm just getting old, but this has been echoed pretty loudly since the beta: The game has absolute dogshit enemy visibility. This is on Xbox with HDR turned on, and with Color Filter #2 turned on and cranked to 100. Can you spot the other player in this picture? Because my blind ass couldn't. If I had a nickle for every time I died to a miniscule bundle of black pixels in the corner of a room, I'd have enough nickles to buy an overpriced skin.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but this has been echoed pretty loudly since the beta: The game has absolute dogshit enemy visibility. This is on Xbox with HDR turned on, and with Color Filter #2 turned on and cranked to 100. Can you spot the other player in this picture? Because my blind ass couldn't. If I had a nickle for every time I died to a miniscule bundle of black pixels in the corner of a room, I'd have enough nickles to buy an overpriced skin.