Hacienda just proved something really amusing.

The fanbase of this franchise are mostly brainwashed players who only like spawn-shoot-die to the infinity with 0 logic or critical thinking behind it.

Now, I can absolutely say this map isn't great for Kill confirmed or TDM ike modes, but it plays amazingly in Hard point and Dom.

But nowadays players want stakeout 24/7 gameplay style in every damn map or they'll get "bored", this is the sad reality.

Camo grinding is one thing but I see so many who worship the face-off type maps as the best ones that it can't absolutely be just for "Camo grinding", people simply got infected by reels and tiktoks that now have an attention span of 1.5 sec, it's immediately fun or it's immediately boring.

My best laughs of today were the ones when I played hacienda 24/7 with a friend, the enemies often quit (clearly because they don't know how to move in a real map bigger than a shoe, nor how to use the minimap properly, since they never really had to) and we also witnessed some funny folks who tried to camp at our spawn to spawn-kill us (spawns logic still broken) because obviously that's the only way to have fun for todays kids lmao. Luckily they never accomplished that.

Sorry for the sudden rant, I hope this'll reach others that feel like me, tho I'm fully aware I'm in the delusional minority, I suppose.