Mic quality issues that only happen in COD [PC]

Can someone please help me figure out wtf is going on with my mic in game? The quality is absolute garbage, and is constantly leading people to complain and spam report me anytime I try talk. The mic works perfectly fine and sounds great in literally every other game/program/app I use. I regularly use it to talk in other games, and discord with no issues. It's **ONLY** cod that has this issue. I have a yeti blue, and its running through usb, if that makes any difference. I have tried every possible combination of in game mic settings I can think of, and have also made sure multiple rimes that the audio input/outputs are correct.

Edit: 1 week later and still not fixed. I can try to see if S1 update fixed it later today when I get a chance.

Final Edit: 82 days later, and I never got the issue fixed. I eventually just gave up and found other games to play that I’ve enjoyed much more than the half baked garbage that is COD. Arma Reforger is very fun and crossplay. Best of luck everyone.