Political dummy with questions. Long post so please bear with me.

My Dad is voting for Harris and my friend asked what the deal was with that. I told him “Idk, you wanna ask him?” He’s like “Nah” and doesn’t know why he wouldn’t vote for Trump. For context, he’s White. I’m a political dummy and I’ve never voted or paid attention to politics so idk what to do for the upcoming election or to continue being his friend. I’m 20 and this is my first year voting.

Previously before this, I told him my Dad wouldn’t let me go to Florida cause he doesn’t like what Desantis is doing and he was like “Your parents aren’t republican?” I said no. He was shocked my parents are voting for Kamala going on about how she’s not Black, trying to get Black votes, and has no values. He also asked what has Biden does for Black people. I couldn’t name anything. He said when Trump was in office, the Black unemployment rate was low, he pardoned many rappers, and everything like groceries and gas were cheaper. So to sum it up, he thinks everything was better under Trump’s presidency and doesn’t think Trump’s racist.

I don’t know what to think. What does Kamala actually stand for? What are her values?Whether or not she’s Black is debatable, but is she actually a good candidate? What has she done during her term as vice president? Since I don’t know much about politics, do you think he’s trying get me to vote for Trump? Should I still be friends with him?