Struggling to Date Because I Don’t Fit “Traditional Black Beauty Standards”—Anyone Else?”
I feel like I don't fit traditional beauty standards in my community, and it's made dating really difficult. I'm a 23-year-old Black woman living in Alabama, and I've always been naturally thin with a straighter body type—1 don't have curves, a big butt, or full lips, which seem to be highly valued in the Black community. I often get compliments from people outside my race, but when it comes to Black people, l've noticed more criticism about my body, especially about being too skinny (which I can't help). Dating has been tough-I've only been on three dates and had one boyfriend, all of whom were white. I would love to date a Black man, but I feel like I don't fit the beauty standards that many prefer, so I rarely get approached. The only men who do approach me tend to be the ones looking for a one-night stand, which isn't what I want at all. Or white I’m perfectly fine with. I guess l'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. How do you navigate dating when you feel like you don't fit the 'ideal' look? And for those who have struggled with this, did anything change for you over time?