My 20s feel impossible even though i’m doing everything right… just need encouragement and advice

I’m 22, I’ve been pretty much adulting since i turned 18, moved to a different city away from my family that’s admittedly just a lot to deal with (I get along with them just fine at a distance and frequent visits), started college, dropped out cause I was too broke at 19, got a good job and put myself back in college. So right now that’s what I’m doing.. I have a high paying work from home job, In a good role really set up for a long term career. I am 6/8 semesters through with school, I have a savings account of like $30k and I invest. I take care of myself by doing yoga and dance classes, take vitamins, spend quality time by myself, go to therapy.

I live with my boyfriend who is 25 and is a great caring guy. We have a dog and a cat we live mostly worry free. Sex life is pretty good, could be better but my libido is kind of low but ultimately fine!! I’m not religious but I am spiritual, and well i don’t have much to say about it. I don’t drink, I smoke a little bit of weed nothing excessive. I could do better eating healthier but overall I am a healthy person.

From an outsiders perspective my life is totally great! Hell, from an insiders perspective killing it.. so why do I feel so sad all of the time? One day i’m like yay life is going great, the next day my heart feels so heavy and I want to cry and I don’t even know why. Is this normal? Is it hormonal? Is this just what being in your 20s is like?