Extremely nervous for team competition, thinking of pulling off
Hi ! First of all, sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker. So, I train in a small but highly competitive team from my country. I have competed three times in the past with mixed results, but my most important take from that time is that I don't enjoy it at all. I'm just not a really competitive person, plus I get extremely nervous (to the point of literraly throwing up), and have had problems with anxiety my whole life. My team got invited to a white and blue belt only team competition. Long story short, my training partner that fills up in my weight class (-70 kg) got injuried, so we hold an internal tournament to determine who will go. I previously talk with my professor about the possibility of participating in this internal tournament but don't go to the team competition, and he was ok with that. So, I competed there, ended up winning and 8 man bracket (mostly people from other teams but afiliated with my academy), and he ask me really seriously if I don't want to go, arguing that he likes my style, it's only a fight, but asking me at the same time if I wanna do it. I don't know why, but I said yes to him (I think it was the heat of the moment). Literraly an hour latter I was already regretting my decision. I couldn't sleep at all at night, I feel sick all day and couldn't focus on anything that was not related to thinking about tha competition. I literally spend all day trying to get my nerves down. Meditate, breath work, go for a walk, talk to a friend, see some videos on how the pros manage anxiety and feeling nervous, and nothing worked. I already decide to take this night for chilling, eat something that I like, try to get some good sleeping, and if I can't sleep and have another bad night, I will just pull off. I have already cope with the fact that competition isn't for everyone, and know that I have a bad time competing (without taking in count the result).I just hoped that this time it would be different...but no. I just feel like crap, being honest. I just wanna know, does anyone have experience a similar situation ? What do you think about this ? Sorry for the really long text, I'm having a little crisis here jajaja.