Dealing with aggressive wrestlers
I've been having issues rolling with this guy who has a wrestling background but who is getting into BJJ. I have much more trouble with him than I do with a lot of higher belts.
He's slightly bigger than me, but I think I'm stronger. He's early 20s, I'm early 30s.
Basically, I usually start from open guard and try to sweep or submit from bottom.
I usually have decent success with this, but not with this guy, I just can't seem to sweep him.
None of the techniques I usually use from open guard work. I can't get him into x or single leg x, and I can't tripod sweep. I also can't use spider guard because he only trains no gi. I make it quite hard for him to pass, but he does end up passing. It doesn't really feel like he can put much pressure on me from the top, but he's so fast and dynamic at transitioning between dominant positions which is why I can't sweep him. Usually he'll make it to mount, but I can always easily escape out the back door, but he's good at transitioning to side control from there. I then usually either go half guard, but can't sweep or submit, or turtle up and he usually takes my back. we just keep alternating between these positions for the whole round and I can't get him off me. It feels like he's just floating, not really putting much pressure on me, but constantly moving
In the rare instance that I do sweep and get him on his back, I have no problem dominating or submitting, but it's getting there which is the problem.
Someone told me I should try wrestling up instead of sweeping, and this seems promising. Can anyone suggest a way to deal with this kind of opponent?