Lost my drive to train
Hey all, I’ll make a long story short as I’m looking for advice. Started training over a year ago as I was interested in the sport, and dealt with losing all of my hair due to severe alopecia. BJJ gave me focus and kept my mind off of my health, and I became obsessed. I received my first stripe as a white belt and felt a great sense of accomplishment. Along with other health choices, and focusing on training, my hair has completely come back after not having it for a year and a half, too which I credit BJJ itself for helping me. Shortly after I had some life things come up, training dropped from 3-4 times a week to once a week at best. Since the holidays I haven’t been back in about 2 months, and I can’t figure out why I’ve lost my drive. I was so motivated to go, train, and learn, and now it’s gone. I don’t want to quit, I just don’t know why my drive is gone. Has anyone else experienced this, and have any advice?