Side Effects of all Cutting Agents in Dealer Update
1.Adrenaline Rush:
- Coffee Grounds
- Creatine
- Nightshade
- Powdered Caffeine
2.Burst of Creativity:
- Bee Pollen Extract
- Parmesan Cheese
3.Confidence Boost:
- Baby Powder
- Lily of the Valley
- Black Pepper
- Cigarette Ash
- Lidocaine
- Table Salt
5.Ego Death:
- Calcium
- Confectioners Sugar
7.Extreme Strength:
- Jock Sweat
8.Increased Libido:
- Bone Marrow
9.Increased Perception:
- Basil
- Vape Juice
- Baking Soda
- Elephant Laxative
- Infant Formula
- Pine Resin
- Rosemary
- Sawdust
- Swamp Water
- Foot Deodorizer
- Silica
- Chloroquine
- Cinnamon
- Cobra Venom
- Nutmeg
- Powdered Laundry Detergent
I may have missed some of them, if so please let me know! I hope this list is helpful