The truth about IUD’s?
Hi, y’all!
I have posted here once before, and with everyone’s input, I ended up trying out the combo pill. I have been on it now for 6-7 months or so, and boy… it is awful. I know each pill affects everyone differently, but my depression and anxiety are HORRENDOUS on this pill.
My mood swings are truly remarkable.
I think I might finally have the guts to try an IUD. But I just can’t discern the full story — so many horror stories, so many great stories.
So I’ve put together a pros/cons list from every post I have read in this sub… and would LOVE if you could tell me if I’m missing something? If anyone has ideas or input? I just feel so lost, and am tired of crying every day, it’s been MONTHS and I am so exhausted. 🥲
Hormonal pill: PROS - Lighter periods, no object in the body CONS - mood swings, weight gain, depression/anxiety
Hormonal IUD: PROS — Lighter periods, no pill to remember to take CONS — heavy cramping, cystic acne, weight gain, uncommon but possible to still get mood swings
Copper IUD: PROS — no hormones, no pill to take CONS — heavy, longer periods, intense cramping, random spotting
Depo shot & arm implant: PROS — no pill, no object in body CONS — takes a long time to leave system, weight gain, mood swings
(For me, personally, I am really only considering which IUD to ask about, but thought I’d mention the shot and implant as well in case someone wants that input included.)
ALSO: if anyone has tips on managing insertion pain for either IUD, I would love to hear it!!
Thank you so much.