Sex after IUD Insertion

Hey Ladies, a little context… I am a hypochondriac and I have been stressing about my iud, so please leave any advice…

So 4 days ago, January 31, i had the Kyleena IUD inserted. The insertion went well, in fact it didn’t even hurt. Fast forward to now Febuary 4 I have not had really any pain, just cramps and some pressure. My boyfriend and I decided to try to have sex, nothing to rough, but it began to hurt. The pain was just a little bit at the end of the thrust, near my cervix. It felt like an ache, it was worst in the 🐶 position. We stopped but then started again and nothing really hurt. Now about 2 hours later I have started bleeding. I have been very scared the past few days about IUD complications so I want to know the risks of it expelling/displacing or if this is a normal experience. I just want an everything to be normal, please give me your thoughts!