Nexplanon insertion

Hi, I am getting my Nexplanon inserted tomorrow.

For those of you who got it, how did you feel after the insertion? Did you need to take a day off, or could you just continue functioning normally? How much movement can you make with your arms? Is carrying things like a bag or a box okay?

I am asking because I already got two local surgeries in different zones, though, and after every single one of them, I would feel exhausted and almost unable to focus on a task, etc. Just wanting to lay in bed type of feeling.

Edit: 1) Thank you so much for all your thoughtful answers! It means a lot :))

2) So now it is in my arm! The practitioner put it in a slightly different location than what I usually see on YouTube etc, but I guess it's normal. The numbing shot was quite painful but the pain wore off extremely fast, so that was okay. I did feel my skin stretch for the actual "nexplanon needle," and it hurt a little but not as much as the numbing shot.

It has been approximately 10mn now and I can move my arm normally but as some replies said I feel the pressure and it does feel quite awkward but no big deal. I feel some pressure towards the tip of the implant (the one facing my armpit)

3) I could take a nap this afternoon but woke up exhausted and drowsy, had to drag myself to a meeting and the anesthesia is starting to wear off. My heart is physically hurting, too, but I think some emotional factors played a role in it today. Just took a paracetamol for the night, and I will see how I feel tomorrow. - I woke up and felt okay, no pain in my arm at first but then soreness appeared for a while a bit later.

4) It has been almost 2 days since I got it inserted. The dressing was starting to fall off and was annoying so I removed it. I panicked because I couldn't really feel the implant but instead felt what I thought to be scar tissue. Plus my heart was still hurting so I decided to go back to the nurse. She took my blood pressure which was a bit low (I think it was always a problem and not related to BC) and showed me how to palpate my skin to feel the implant. And I did feel it! I was very surprised by the sensation. I also have very very little bruising. Was astonished when I removed the bandages. For now all is well, my arm is not sore.

5) It has been two weeks, I had 7 days of overlap with the pill and my spotting (caused by the pill) stopped around the 3rd overlap day. I have 0 spotting at the moment, the area is a little bit itchy but it's normal. It is healing just fine.

6) I get random heavier bleeding around the time I get my period, but it lasts longer than a normal period. Also my mental health is not the best. For personal reasons I decided to remove the implant.