Feel like a moron at my new job

I finally got into pharma 7 years into my career and after 4 days I already feel like a complete dipshit and fraud. My job relates to engineering compliance and safety so I will be working with engineers and the EHS team. My past jobs have been at a university and a manufacturing plant doing general industry safety. Pretty basic stuff.

I start here and am given 200+ SOPs to read and barely can comprehend most of them. Our office is open concept so I can hear everyone's conversations and they just feel so smart compared to me. I don't feel like im bright enough for this.

I was talking to some of my coworkers and they said we write a lot of the SOPs which is insane to me. The language and comprehensiveness of them is not something I could ever see myself writing. On top of that a lot of my coworkers are younger than me and have been here for years. I don't think I was half as knowledgeable as them when I was their age.

I know imposter syndrome is a thing with new jobs but this feels different. I just don't know if im smart enough for this.

Just feeling really nervous and afraid about maybe letting my team down here.