Warning of Barrington James Recruiters with fake jobs!
I just wanted to warn other scientists/colleagues about the Barrington James headhunting company. I had multiple interactions with this headhunter and suddenly became subspisocus. The recruiter had absolutely no knowledge of the market or even of companies in the field she was supposed to be recruiting for. After three calls, I finally discovered what she was looking for: She asked me for the names of all my former managers (with the reason to ask for reference for me), but then added them all to her Linkedin and asked them in the same question to expand her network. All the while continuing to say “we'll find you the right job, I'm just talking to the hiring managers”. Don't fall for this!
Meanwhile, I found job even a fake ad in my area for positions that do not exist - when I asked her which company she was avoiding the question. Being from this area and knowing the small community, the job description has all the fancy LLM/Biotech catchwords but there is no job... that person is just fishing for resumes to spread around. Beware, distance yourself from this company!