How do you feel about women making objectifying jokes online about larger busts?
Hi everyone,
I’d like to hear your thoughts on the comments that women sometimes make online, like "I'm no better than a man," "What color was the x," or "Ain't nobody focusing on x”, and etc. on content when it’s made by women with a larger bust. Many of us have likely seen these kinds of comments on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, and they often make up the majority of the comments.
At first, I saw these comments as harmless jokes but lately they've become so common that I’m starting to feel they’re a bit objectifying, even when it’s coming from women. It feels somewhat dehumanising that whenever a woman with a larger bust shares content, the focus is often reduced to her body rather than her actual message or talent.
I'm not sure if women making these comments are aware of how objectifying they can come across, or if they think they’re giving a compliment. If they are intending to compliment, I personally feel there are better ways to express it than through these kinds of comments.
What do you all think about this?