My Parents Refuse to Get Vaccinated to See Their First Grandchild
I want to preface this by saying that we’ve always been close and we visit every week. That being said my parents have also jumped into the extreme side of right wing politics and conspiracy theories. It seems lately that nothing is too extreme and needless to say they have not been vaccinated for COVID-19. I’ve gone my whole pregnancy making the best of it. But as soon as the baby was born something shifted in me (the pediatrician also stressed this) I didn’t want to let anyone unvaccinated around the baby. And everyone is vaccinated except for my parents.
Well, they’ve been nice enough and after thinking about it for a week. My mother decided to get it then two days later backed out. It’s been absolute hell for me since then. I feel isolated and like having a baby put a huge barrier between me and my family. I’m embarrassed to tell others about this. I’m embarrassed for my family. That their beliefs are more important than the safety of their grandson. My mom calls me every day and tells me not to be sad. She sounds really happy. She said she can’t get it because “it will kill her”. Keep in mind the two of them have been maskless and not social distanced this whole time. My aunt even died of COVID.
I’m going through this huge transition and also, it seems, transitioning out of my family of origin. Ads of grandparents with their grandchildren break my heart. Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing. Then I look at my son’s face and feel overwhelmed with protectiveness. Why should I volunteer him to take a risk? He’ll be four weeks tomorrow. I’m so resentful they’ve missed all this time. Lately they talk about meeting outside, tested and with masks but I just don’t know what we’d talk about at this point.