Has anybody had more than one shoulder dystocia birth?
My last birth was fairly traumatic to me: 4.5 hour hard pushing, then emergency maneuver to get baby out once they realized he was stuck. Baby came at 39 wks 2 days, and there were broken bones involved. The baby was on the big side, but not ginormous (8 lbs 8 oz). My regular practitioner unfortunately could not be there to deliver, so another OB on call did. This OB, whom I had never met, told me just a couple hours after delivery (rather sharply) that I should absolutely induce next time at exactly 39 weeks to reduce the risk of it happening again.
As I'm expecting the next baby, I am very torn (no pun intended) about what to do, as I really don't like the idea inducing if it's not necessary. Has anybody actually had multiple shoulder dystocia births or any experiences similar to mine? If so, have you opted to induce for subsequent pregnancies?