I feel failed, and I'm not okay
I'm in the throws of complete burnout. I do not feel like my parents or society prepared me for this. By "this," I mean trying to be a woman who does it all. I'm supposed to work full time, climb to the top of the success ladder, exercise daily, eat healthily, keep a good marriage and friendships, and be there completely for my kiddos. I feel like I can't be the only one who feels the impossibility of this. I am either missing precious time with my kids, neglecting my bodily health, neglecting relationships, or neglecting work. I NEVER thought I'd be thinking these thoughts, as a very career-oriented woman, but I really see the benefit of having one SAHP and having one as the breadwinner (or some combination of each parent working part time). I am seriously considering being "just a mom," which would mean downsizing our house and drastically reducing our standard of living. However, I would just feel like I'm going against what society expects of me and how my parents raised me. I'm terrified to tell my parents that I'm even considering it! They are definitely in the camp of "don't let kids get in the way of your success." I guess I've taken the long road here, but I guess I now see my kids as my greatest pride and where I want to give my greatest devotion, even if it means significant sacrifice.
Add: I'm not looking at being a SAHP with rose-colored glasses. I know it is truly a job, often with little appreciation.