Why are pregnancy & motherhood so lonely?
It’s my 31st birthday this Sunday and I just realised I have no one to invite… Most of my friends are (still) childfree so I feel like I am inconveniencing them when we do talk and I at the moment have nothing else going on in my life, other than my complicated pregnancy. I don’t work atm because of all the random bleeds that I’ve been experiencing & my recent hospital visit. I feel like talking to me is just a burden & because they are all far more interested into partying and living it up or building their careers. And all the friends that do have children either don’t have time or are sick or have other things to attend to… And my immediate family is attending another birthday, so they’re off the table too.
Idk, I guess I just feel super lonely with my birthday coming up. I’m just glad I at least get to spend it with my husband and my toddler. Silver lining, right?