Toddlers won’t stop pulling hair

I have twin toddlers (almost 14 months) and since they could walk at 10 months they randomly come up to me and pull my hair and think it’s funny. I wear it in a bun, in tight braids, however I can keep it pinned back, and they still yank it.

My scalp has gotten SOOOO sensitive where it hurts to even brush my hair.

I also consider myself a very patient mom. They could yell and cry all day and I could keep my cool, but the moment they pull my hair I am enraged with anger and I have to walk away because it literally hurts so bad.

I know this seems so small in the scheme of things, but it’s really effecting my every day because it hurts when I lay down to sleep, hurts to wash, hurts to brush my hair, and it only gets worse because they pull it at least once every day so I feel like my scalp never rests from the constant trauma of being pulled.

Looking for advice on what to do. I do the “teaching” every day and talk to them about how it hurts mama, I even put them down when I hold them and they do it and say “I can’t hold you anymore because you’re hurting mama” and they cried for 15 mins because they wanted to be picked back up and I stayed firm on not doing it and reminding them that they hurt me.

Please give me suggestions.