fuck the schedules

If I see one more ig video saying “comment SLEEP to find out what you’re doing WRONG!”, one more parent mentioning how their baby sleeps through the night, one more family member telling me that my baby will sleep better if I bottle feed, I WILL LOOSE IT. I WILL LOOOOOOOOSE IT.

I fucking hate thinking about schedules, elaborate fucking routines, dancing around the baby with white noise and 20 swaddles when it doesn’t make any difference. She goes to sleep when she wants to and no schedule will help. She wakes up at night and “fussing it out” doesn’t work for her. She just wants boob and that’s FUCKING NORMAL.

There are so many experts going around making me feel like absolute shit for not sleep training my baby and having a strict routine. I’m tired and I don’t care. I don’t think it would work on my girl anyway.