Unmedicated birth- pros/cons

I'm due in May with baby #3 and I've been debating/wanting an unmedicated birth this time because my last 2 postpartum experiences have just been pure hell. I've heard a lot of women say their healing time and overall experience was better unmedicated and I just need that, but I'm scared of obviously the pain and that I'll go through it all just to have a terrible experience again For reference, with my last baby, I had severe postpartum anxiety, depression, and rage. I went into a little bit of a postpartum psychosis as well. I barely remember the first 6 months of both my kids lives because of the absolute mental fog I was in. I'm having a hard time researching what it is I'm looking for so I figured I'd ask here. If you went unmedicated, do you feel like it helped not having the baby blues/ppd? If you didn't have an epidural, did they give you pitocin after baby was born too? I just don't know if going "all natural" is going to help this time, but i really want to believe it will. I've already gone into bouts of depression this pregnancy (i already struggle with seasonal depression every year as it is) and I just want more than anything to be able to present for my baby and my older toddlers. I don't want to be triggered and angry about everything. I don't want to be in such an intense fight or flight mode. My pregnancy anxiety is always so high, I'm just scared of everything that could go wrong. Sorry if this is everywhere, I could use all the advice in the world right now.