Question : who is buying these sleep courses from instagram and do they actually work?
Maybe this is more of a rant, but since I had my baby my instagram algorithm is mostly marketing for sleep courses in disguise. A lot of these people have no credentials, and claim things like you can have a baby sleep through the night from six weeks if you buy their course (“comment “sleep” for the link!”).
To me it just feels like there’s something not quite right. How are there SO many ‘sleep experts’? How different are their courses from each other? Are they just recycled, already well known methods of sleep training but repackaged? Or just whatever method helped with their individual children (thus now making them ‘experts’).
I know we all have free will but it sort of feels like they’re targeting desperate, sleep deprived parents who will try anything. I can’t help but wonder if it’s the reason you see a lot of people asking questions like why does my one week old only want to sleep being held, or why is my 8 week old waking every three hours at night? Because these accounts are making it seem like those aren’t completely normal things and you have a “bad sleeper” and need to buy their course to fix that.
Has anyone actually bought one of these online course and what was the content like? Am I just being bitter?