I feel like my baby hates me/life

My LO will be 7 weeks on Wednesday and I feel like she has not had 1 good day since she was born. She has screamed and I mean screamed ever since she came home from the hospital. All she wants to do is sleep and when she’s not sleeping she’s basically screaming her lungs out. I feel like a terrible mom because I don’t understand what she wants, when she does calm down if I talk to her it sometimes will get her all worked up again. I thought maybe it was her tummy she spits up a lot and constantly sounds like she’s straining and gagging… so I’ve tried all the gassy/constipation tricks in the book… gripe water, gas drops, windi gas passer, belly massages, warm bath, bicycles, lower body movement (she hasn’t had a single “good” poop since last Thursday), I thought maybe it was a dairy intolerance so I’ve cut all dairy from my diet (I am EBF) for about a week now and haven’t really noticed a difference. I’ve only gotten a handful of smiles from her, they’re only ever first thing in the morning. I don’t even want to go anywhere or have family over because honestly I’m kind of embarrassed that I just can’t soothe her and she won’t stay calm. I just feel so guilty and feel like it’s my fault and just feel like she hates me. I also feel like my supply is starting to drop and I just feel sad. I just want her to be happy.