Couples’ baby-talk after having kids
Hello, this is a random question that I have googled and searched on reddit and haven’t found any answers so I figured I’d try posting.
My partner and I have started talking more seriously about having kids and what roles/expectations/dynamics might look like. We’re both women in our twenties, and at some point in our relationship we developed a sort of “baby talk” with each other. It’s something we only do when when we’re home and by ourselves, but it’s just this little voice we slip into that’s kind of silly/babyish. I’ve read articles that say this can signal a secure attachment, and I’m assuming at least some other couples do this as well haha. So for those couples- did the baby talk stop when you had kids? Did it just naturally phase out or did you choose to stop? If it continued, when the baby started developing speech, was there any concern about couple baby talk in front of them?
I want to clarify that this isn’t like an actual concern or something I think is a big deal lol. Just am curious and wondering what folks’ experiences have been!