6 week old- Skull fracture caused by 2.5 year old

I’m beside myself. My husband was feeding our little boy a bottle on the couch while I was making dinner when our toddler came speeding past and tripped. Both of us are not totally sure if he had elbowed him or bonked his head on our newborns head. LO was completely fine, fussed a little but ate his entire bottle right after. When my husband went to eat and we swapped, I noticed a goose egg on the side of his head.

Cue our hasty rush to our pediatrician. She did an exam on him; his pupils were normal, he was alert, not being inconsolable, reflexes looked great, so she said watch out for any vomiting/pupils that are different sizes/lethargy and sent us home. The next morning he vomited twice. We rushed him to the ER. They did an x-ray and CT scan where they found he had a nondisplaced fracture on his skull. No brain bleeding and just a little swelling where his bump is.

Still, I was inconsolable. We were transferred to a pediatric hospital via ambulance 2 hours away where they monitored him and did a full-body x-ray to rule out any further injuries. He was fine, though. Social work talked to us. We have a follow up with a neurologist in 4 weeks. The doctor and nurses reassured me that they see fractures like this all the time and not to beat myself up.

I can’t help but feel a like a failure. I feel like a horrible mother. My husband isn’t doing great with it either. I have anxiety over every little symptom that my newborn has. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Will I ever get over this?