Are My Male Betta Fish Okay?
I’ve had these two boys in my 10 gallon tank for months, with a divider of course. The green one would find ways to sneak over to the blue’s side from time to time, yet I always found both unharmed. I went to check on them and find they look like they’re huddling?? Green is breathing heavily but only moved when I nudged him out. Blue was fine the whole time, they seem happier in a way. Looking for opinions on if this is abnormal behaviour for an underlying reason or if they’re both broken male betta fish.
I’ve had these two boys in my 10 gallon tank for months, with a divider of course. The green one would find ways to sneak over to the blue’s side from time to time, yet I always found both unharmed. I went to check on them and find they look like they’re huddling?? Green is breathing heavily but only moved when I nudged him out. Blue was fine the whole time, they seem happier in a way. Looking for opinions on if this is abnormal behaviour for an underlying reason or if they’re both broken male betta fish.