So I have an idea and need advice. I’m thinking about getting a giant betta

So has the title says, I saw a giant betta for the first time irl a few days ago and I gotta say when he flared I was impressed, I think he was on the smaller side still so much bigger then your normal betta, would they make for a good centerpiece fish? I have two future tanks planned to scape on hand. A 20 gallon long and a 125 long yes 125 gallons….i started out with fancy goldfish and I’m honestly sick of the terrible genetics and low plant choices so I wanted to try something different once I find a great home for my Goldie’s , as I don’t wanna just give them to my LFS to be rehomed there spoiled and deserve a nice large tank.

So that leaves me with this huge tank and powerful filter (Fx6 with spray bar) what would you guys do with it? I’m really into a large hardscape that come up out of the water, super planted, so do you think a giant betta would work in a community? What would go well with him since there so big? I’m looking for something that can breed in the tank so I can trade/sell baby’s to put $ back into the hobby. Would Neo shrimp work if I let a huge colony build? I know they eat shrimplets but can he/will he just kill and eat all my shrimp? Any info is appreciated!