Floating in Bern
In the next few days, my wife and I will be in Bern and as it's hot, we were thinking to float along in the river. I've seen people to do it in rafts or just swimming along.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice about the best way to do it, best routes, and where to rent life jackets?
Thanks everybody for the great advice! We followed lots of it. As some of it is conflicting, I thought I would share my experiences here in case any other tourist comes across this post.
I would preface this all with the fact that it is of course a fast flowing river and common sense is important - don't drink, don't do it if you absolutely can't swim, check conditions, water temp and acclimatise before getting in and take something that floats or a life jacket if you need it etc.
With all that said...
Swimming in the river aare was one of the highlights of our trip and I would have been sad to have missed out. For context, I am a swimmer but my wife is not - she could swim herself out of trouble but she is not a swimmer and isn't that comfortable in water. She went in with one of the waterproof bags which float and I just swam. We both had a great time and felt safe the entire time.
We actually went to the tourist office to get some more info before we did it, and they were very helpful in explaining the best places to swim. There are two stretches where there is infrastructure to get out, signs of where to get out and changing rooms. There are also loads of other people doing it.
The first is from Eicholz to Freibad Marzili - Eicholz map link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bADQr9Pzw94hWWBEA
The second was from approximately here - https://maps.app.goo.gl/3ijpsCtm6kDfna6R7 - to Lorrainebad.
Both of these sections had obvious, multiple entry points. There are also signs (more so on the first) warning you that you have 500m before you should get out, then 100m, then a clear sign to exit.
This is also detailed more extensively here: https://bern.com/en/news/stories-and-recommendations/floating-down-the-aare-river-3-favourite-routes
If in doubt, the tourist office were extremely helpful in explaining how best to do it. We also got our waterproof bag from there.
We didn't rent a boat but that also looked a lot of fun!
Tl;Dr - it was great, it wasn't dangerous if you take the right precautions and I would absolutely recommend it. Happy safe floating!