Ben Howard Perth (long post sorry)

I have been so so excited to see Ben. It has been 6 years since I saw him last play. I am seeing him both Tuesday and Wednesday night, and I cannot believe that I get to see Ben in my home city.

I have been counting down the days until I get to see what he plays in india and can’t believe the time is now.

I was inspired by @paranoid_android_0 to explain where my ben journey started.

As living in Australia there are many acoustic artists touring all the time. It was 2014 and my sister mentioned that she had started listening to a couple of songs from this random guy. As it is my older sister I took each song recommendation to heart. I started listening to his popular songs (old pine and the fear). These songs started transforming my life and I was captivated. I continued to listening to Every Kingdom and then I Forget Where We Were came out…

It changed my life. Every song became the script of my life experience (I needed to calm down I was 15 at this point). I finished school and then Noonday came out. This was the moment that I realised the impact that Ben and his music had on my life. I listened to the album and it was different to what I was used to. It had this sound that built on his acoustics. I pushed through the differences that I was not used to and found an album that spoke to me. I ended up seeing Ben live in Sydney and was mesmerised. It was,2018, the Noonday tour and I was as captivated.

Three years later Collections came out. I was surprised, it was so different. Metaphysical stood out and was on repeat. This whole album was such a poetry piece and I loved it.

Is it? was released and I fell in love. I am listening to it so frequently and I have loved the album so much.

I am so so grateful that I get to see him this week and cannot wait to see what he is going to play.

This has been such a long post and also I am sure you all have your own stories that breakdown each album release and song choice (I cannot wait to hear them)!

What do you thing the Australia leg set list will look like?!