Manual Opening EDC Recommendations
I'm looking for manual opening recommendations for civilian EDC. Pictured are 2 Benchmade autos I currently own and used on duty prior to retirement. The 9000S AFO (top) was my duty primary carry since 1997 with the 9530 (Mel Pardue?) initially purchased in 2002 or 2003 after the 9000S unintentionally opened in my pocket several times. I found the 9530 too small for my tastes on duty, relegated it to occasional off duty carry, and returned to them 9000S. IIRC, I paid about $100 and $130 respectively for them.
I'd use my 9530 for EDC but my state classifies autos as prohibited switchblades and I'm no longer exempt as a retired leo. I like the compact size, black finished half serrated blade, tip up carry clip, and aluminum handle of my 9530 but cannot find a manual opening knife with those dimensions and characteristics in the current Benchmade catalogue. The Griptiliand line seems similar but all the Griptilians or mini Griptilians have composite handles.
I'm considering a Spyderco Para 2 as it's the only black bladed, aluminum handle, tip up carry manual I'm finding appealing that's not upwards of $200. I thought I'd ask here prior to purchasing anything since I don't consider myself a knife guy.
Thanks in advance.